Sharing Writer Beware®

Writer BewareFor those who don’t know of Victoria Strauss’ blog, Writer Beware®, this Reedsy Recommended Best Writing Site of 2020 is a collection of information for writers concerning writing scams and potential problem publishers. I’m sharing this information today because it troubles me when authors pay for services they may, or may not, receive. It seems to me the area I’ve seen authors have the most trouble with is editing services.

Many times I’ve spoken to authors who have asked me to read their books, and I’ve mentioned their books could use editing. Then, they sadly inform me they paid their publishing company for editing services. Not every book is perfect, and I don’t expect it to be. But I do expect writers to get what they pay for.

Since I am far from knowing everything, I wanted to share the link to Writer Beware® so writers can at least check and see what others have to say. And good luck, everyone out there. The first step is putting pen to paper…or fingers to keyboard…or spoken words to device, and if you are considering publishing options, you’re already ahead of most!

Working with a Small Publisher

I thought this was the single best article I’ve seen about working with a small publisher. I’ve published both my books with a small press, J.B. Max Publishing, out of Vancouver, BC. I agree with many of the points in the article by editor Brian Klems, but here are my top three:

1. A small press can take on projects that don’t conform to the mainstream commercial market.

2. A small press cares about the success of a book beyond its initial release. To quote: “It’s a marathon, not a sprint.”

3. Small press authors can expect to have a personal relationship with small presses, or as one small press publisher cites it, “Tender, loving care.”

Thank you, Writers Digest, for covering this subject. For the full article, please see the following: