Sharing Nathan Bransford’s Wisdom

For instance, in the opening chapter of my most recent novel, I describe a minor character like this: “Mary was wearing a deep purple jumpsuit that seemed a bit festive for a funeral.” ~Nathan Bransford

I’ve been reading and following Nathan Bransford for years and wanted to share the blog post below because I connected immediately with what he was saying by the one example he used from his recent novel. I look forward to applying this tip in my writing.

When describing characters, think more about capturing presence than details – Nathan Bransford | Writing, Book Editing, Publishing

Who’s That Indie Author?

Thank you to Barb Vitelli for hosting me on her Book Club Mom site and introducting me to her followers and readers. I loved her questions

Who’s That Indie Author? Valerie Ormand | Book Club Mom (

Podcasts for Writers

As a writer, I’ve found podcasts to be an excellent way to learn from other writers – what works, and what doesn’t work. I enjoy watching YouTube videos, classes, and interviews, but there is something about listening to a podcast while working out, walking the dogs, or driving in my car that helps the information settle in my brain differently than watching and listening at the same time.

One of my favorite podcasts is Carly Kade’s Equestrian Author Spotlight Podcast, and I recommend this to writers all the time, and not just horse book authors. Carly’s guests include tips on writing routines, marketing, and more from authors of all genres, and she makes the sessions fun and supportive. Her favorite hashtag is #authorsunite.

I’ve been fortunate to have been a featured guest twice including the most recent episode, “On Revisiting a Series, Awards & Dude Ranch Research Trips with Valerie Ormond.” I hope you will enjoy the show!

Or, listen to the podcast via Carly’s website.

 Need some ideas for more podcasts for writers? Check out DailyWritingTips’ 8 Great Podcasts for Writers and Book Authors.

If you have any thoughts about Carly’s podcast or recommendations for others, please leave a comment!

Copyrighting a Book

I am sharing Reedsy’s blog post on copyrighting a book because this is a question people ask regularly. I recommend reading both posts in this series. The first post outlines the mechanics of obtaining a copyright from the U.S. Copyright Office while the second discusses other important details. Among those details in the second is the following:

Copyright protection on an original work exists in the United States and the United Kingdom the moment you create that work (and extends for 70 years after your death).”

Thank you, Reedsy, for this informative post which you can find at How To Copyright a Book: A Definitive Guide.

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