Write Your Story

Military, Veterans, Family Members, and Caregivers

The Workhouse Arts Center will present its first “Write Your Story” course for writers and soon-to-be-writers during the Winter Quarter 2023, as part of the Military in the Arts Initiative.

The course will be held in person from Jan 10 – Feb. 14, 2023, on Tuesday evenings, 7:00 – 9:00 pm. The location is the Workhouse Arts Center, W16, McGuire Woods Gallery, 9518 Workhouse Way, Lorton, VA 22079. Here is the direct link to register: Write Your Story | Workhouse Arts Center.

Take the next step in getting your story out and making your voice heard. The goal is for participants to walk away with a written product reflecting their work.

Terese Schlachter and I are both members of Military Writers Society of America (MWSA), and this is an extension of MWSA’s “Write Your Story” programs held since 2014 across the country. This is the first MWSA workshop held in the Washington, DC area in this particular format. We look forward to seeing writers of all skill levels there! 

Untold Stories

K.C. Alfred / The San Diego Union-Tribune, Jan. 3, 2022

This month, the USS ABRAHAM LINCOLN deployed with the first female commander in charge of an aircraft carrier in history, Capt. Amy Capt. Bauernschmidt. I had a personal connection to this event from my Navy career dating back to 1995. I recently wrote a related story for the Military Writers Society of America (MWSA) Untold Stories anthology, which starts:

“The term ‘pioneer’ conjures up images of early settlers venturing out West taking risks for new beginnings. I never saw myself as a pioneer but found myself among a group of pioneers as one of the first women to deploy on a combat aircraft carrier.”

The story ends with a salute to Capt. Bauernschmidt, and those who follow her, for continuing the adventure and pioneering more new beginnings.

Continue reading “Untold Stories”

Understanding Third-Person Point of View

This is an outstanding article on point of view in writing. During writing workshops I’ve been a part of with the Military Writers Society of America (MWSA), this is a topic that new writers usually have questions about. Now I have an excellent resource to refer writers to. And I appreciated the author’s concise and understandable explanations. So thank you, Tiffany Yates Martin.

Understanding Third-Person Point of View: Omniscient, Limited and Deep | Jane Friedman

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